Joy of Sound ‘My house your house:  Casa Mia Casa Tua’

1st July 2014







I was invited by the Joy of Sound (an arts for wellbeing organisation) to take part in their Inclusive Combined Arts Workshops programme.  The workshop took place in June. 

We welcomed those with diverse physical, mental and social needs and working with volunteers and art therapists, the workshop celebrated house and home.  Images and feelings associated with home were explored visually in surface and relief making by participants and facilitators. The aims for the workshop were to imagine and re-imagine images of home that we could all share and celebrate together.   Different methods of making allowed everybody to be included in the making of model homes, working with soft clay – air dry – tiles in two colours, the group worked together to add or to carve into the tiles.   The model homes were saved towards the end of the workshop series.


BBC Sunday Morning

On 5 March 2023 I appeared on BBC Sunday Morning Live.  It was a great and precious opportunity to talk on national television about the benefits and positive...

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